
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

laughing at self.

almost every post on this blog is about how I intend to post regularly... I really should stop blabbering on facebook and start posting here.

My facebook is chock full of some amazing thoughts and veiws. random pics, poetry... all buried.

Hmmm... I wonder if there is a way to pull all that data off like you can with livejournal?


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Cupboard full of potential ingredients...

Dates. They are slowly dying. Need to eat them.

Oooh! what could we make with dates!? Surely there is something Bakeable. Wait. Oven here sucks. can't cook much more then biscuits successfully.


Hmm. Crescents in fridge. I wonder... if I was to chop dates... and apples... brown sugar, cinnamon, etc... cook it down a bit... roll up the sweet stuffing into the crescents and bake?

That would nice yes?

OMFGWTFBBQ? We ate the last of the apples.


I'm thinking I could do it with dates and sugard pecans alone... but... *sigh*

I got all excited about the idea of the apples.

Ahhhh... ffffffff.....

I will bake those crescents with something sweet wrapped in them. Regardless of what I may have or not. *stamps foot*

I'll even come back and make a new post with picture even!?! That would be a serious blogging accomplishment. Post before AND after! Start something finish it, AND TALK ABOUT IT TOO!

Whoo Hoo! What a rush!


this... might... be... the... slowest... start...

lol, to blogging daily... EVER. I opened this blog up when I was still a live in nanny for a set of twins in old metairie.

Since then I've moved to MN for the winter, moved back in time for Jazz Fest. Moved into the guest room of A/L's and promptly out... stayed briefly in a house sans electricity, reconnected with past coworker and moved in to E&J's... shifted from there into apartment with O. and from there into house with OJ.

Point of interest... A/L and E&J are now married couples. Hmmmmm...

Anywho. Here it is, October 2014. Have a Halloween costume planned... doing wings, shocker right? but i'll be wearing a floofy skirt adn corset... so that's new...

My life is oddly odd for me right now... there are so many stable elements that are, for me, still so charged with chaos...

I deal well with change. flourish in it even. I adapt... but I wilt underneath uncertainty. I grow anxious with not knowing what comes next...  I'm not sure what the next step is... or when the other shoe will drop...

There are too many elements of my life that are not in my control... living situation, job/work... I'm wondering how it is, in this day of the modern woman crafting her way through her day, blogging it all on the vast web... the pinterest boards, the youtube videos...

How is it that I am not part of that movement?

I've created a few logo's... worked on marketing packages...  have infinite ideas in how to make money for everyone else...

I've managed to spend entirely too much time in craft stores this last week... and its odd to me that I'm not just making jewelry or something of the sort...

But on the flip side... I also love the office work that I do...

Really I've just hit a stage in my life where the endless parade of great ideas... the shining images in my head of what could be... have ceased to be enough. I need to make some of those ideas reality...

there is just such a plethora of things... embroidery, scrapbooking, graphic design, painting, custom lettering, wire wrapping, beading, weaving...

To pick one to focus on? How?
And more then that... how to start little? I have such an immediate grasp of creative things... I end up frustrated so quickly at not having the tools to create what is in my head... even in the graphics design I'm frustrated... if only I had a pen...

Ahhh... the absent blatherings. Do ignore them. Just another dreamer... not a doer... a starter, not finisher.

*muddling about in a cloud of what ifs, could be's and perhapseseissesss*

ah, deary me. maybe I haven't been blogging daily because I finish the post feeling less accomplished then when I started...

Fff. I'mma publish this. then make a new post. a short one. about my idea for a food item tonight. Hmmph.

Friday, May 30, 2014

A return to blogging...

Life... ah, precious sweet life... how you sidetrack me with all your bustle and glory...

Facebook is littered with some of the most brilliant things I've ever written... little snippets of heart and genius in status form... lost to the world with in days, hiding in plain site... never reread thanx to the format that is the status update...

I tell myself all teh time I should make notes of the deeper rambles... but i'm lazy? set in ways? I don't know...

So. GeminIMP.

I missed you... Missed Me? Missed rambling on in a more public forum...

So I come back today... having stopped to read last entry, laughing as I still remember the moment... melancholy as I no longer hang out there....

ah, chaotic adventure that is life... let me once again stop to smell the roses, and immortalize my random moments with (hopefully) amusing blog posts.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Bits and Pieces

I really am quite horrible at keeping up with this blog... I had intended to post daily... and to include many pictures... I have created so many interesting meals, and shifted things, decorated things, organized... *Sigh* But I've been facebooking for so long now... its hard to get back in the grove of blogging... the little snippets of status are so much easier... I can just add them as I think them... upload a pic, post a link...

Bear with me... or is that Bare with me? Or is it some other spelling all together... I really am no good at spelling... *pulls out google* Aha! I am not the only one! I copied and googled "bear with me" and the first half dozen links were to discussions about which one it is... Turns out its Bear... not for animalistic reasons, but because its in reference to bearing a load... Ah!

Back to what I was saying... Bear with me... I will get better at this blogging thing... and it will get more interesting and full of valuable information and repostable bits of wisdom... Or at least... that is the plan isn't it?

So... today I realized randomly that chapsticks you don't want or need anymore, ones you wouldn't put on your lips... they are perfect for when you dye your hair! Just draw the chapstick on along your hair line instead of trying to do the jelly trick! Voila! no dyed skin!

Bread. We buy it. A lot. And eat it too (though I shouldn't be, I really do want to do the Paleo) but sometimes we end up with some of it left... So today I made my first foray into home made croutons... Sorta. I've cubed and toasted bread in oven before, used to do it all the time when I lived at the Covenant House oh so long ago... We'd eat it during movies like popcorn. I love Toast. Like Seriously... REALLY LOVE TOAST. (Which I now have TWO quotes to think of when thinking toast- Thanx Becky from Glee!)

*Heart attack* OMFG, I'm never going to get used to the mail here... its so random, and the slot is in the door, and loud. Scares the turds and whey out of me every time.

So anywho... this time I was using Good bread, you know... the rounded Artisan loafs? I cubed it (fairly big cubes) and then stared at it... How do you get it seasoned and oiled with out getting it soggy? My solution is usually to exercise my Google Powers... but this time I just looked at what I had... EVOO, seasonings... bread... zip lock bread was in to keep it from getting hard to soon. * light-bulb!* <always to be said like that character in that movie what my bestie loved so much, the one with the yellow things that looked like bug yellow pills with trousers and hair.

As I was saying (God, I hate when I interrupt myself) I had a zip lock already bready... thought about putting bread in first, but then figured it would still get soggy, so I drizzled the olive oil in, added seasoning, zipped up bag and spread it around inside of bag... opened back up, then tossed bread in, added a bit of air before rezipping, then shook it, stroked it, massaged it, made it call me names... and finally when bored with it dumped it...

onto a cookie sheet for my magically preheated oven. I've been burning the crap out of things lately, so I was uber paranoid about the croutons (my whole meal was planned around these!) so I baked till started to get warm and toasty... then flipped the bits and pieces, left in for a few more minutes, a little bit of browning was occurring, I got cold feet and just turned oven off... But they weren't crispy yet, so I left them in oven.... and promptly forgot they existed for a few hours, by time i pulled them out they were nice and crunchy!

Success. Now if only I had thought to get more veggies for the salad yesterday. >.< Nevermind, I have CHICKEN. We're good.

Ahgh... kids are hounding me, should prolly get up and finish dinner, or at least give them a snack. FRESH BAKED CHOCOLATE COOKIES TO THE RESCUE!

took a picture of dinner right before we sat down to eat... thought I would share...
...the finished product... sorta. 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sooo... A Funny Story (an adventure of the AWTH*)

I've had a plethora of interesting things occur since the last post, most of them involving adventures in experimental cooking (ask me about guava paste!) and introducing my new *family* to some of the rest of my friends...

And my bromate loosing his father, which for me was like losing a family member... as my bromate and his family have taken care of me for the last year and then some...


In an effort to post, and get myself in the habit of posting, I shall indeed post... however, not on topic really... instead I will share a story for you... a true event... and true to form, involves me being clumsy and hurting myself... A theme you will eventually notice as re-occuring! lol.

So... on to the story.

I regularly go visit my friends Dan and Rose, a married couple with two girly balls of creative energy they call daughters. Visits usually involve some form of entertainment... and ALWAYS include food. This time the TV show Supernatural was Not watched, as it wasn't on, and instead we stayed up late watching episodes of true Blood, as I am still endeavoring to catch up (I think I'm in the middle of Season 4)

Rose bailed on us early on, as both Dan and fellow friend Brad (who was crashed on the giant bean bag of awesomeness to avoid his black mold infested new apartment) were already snoring away. I lasted longer then everyone to watch just one more episode... twice... as I was thrilled that *Snookie* and Gentle Viking were lookin to get it on (HELL YEAH!) but eventually passed out all twisted up on couch, face first in my faithful Teddy Mauli, and one hand on the nose of the ever present wonder dog- Fawkes, a.k.a. my canine boyfriend.

Right around the time false dawn started to lighten the room my bladder woke with a vengeance and decided the liter of Mountain Dew I had chugged needed to be released back into the wild, so I headed to bathroom. The next few events happened in small blinks of time. I sit down, skirt and panties dropped to ground around ankles.... then realizing I've emptied my bladder as well as can be expected... the wipe... then darkness struck. A loud snore woke me, and my head snapped forward and I stood up abruptly, utterly clueless as to my name, whereabouts or why my butt was suddenly so cold.

Less then a half a second later I make my first move... not sure which body part tried to shift, or even where it intended to land, but suddenly I find myself falling face first into the tub, narrowly missing smashing my teeth in on the side of it, and instead catching the length of the edge across my chest, like a steering wheel in a car wreck.

The funny part isn't me sitting there stunned, bare ass in air... it isn't the priceless look that surely must have been plastered across my face... The funny part is that while the fall, and subsequent floundering where occurring, the ONLY thought in my head was, "WHY ISN'T ANY ONE HERE TO SEE THIS!?!"

*AWTH- Accident Waiting to Happen, the moniker my mother blessed with me back in the days when I hadn't yet learned to walk even!

Monday, November 21, 2011

and thus is begins...

Another Move, another change... another Blog... Hopefully all with more staying power then any of the ones before...

I shall endeavor to share my daily adventures and experiments... thoughts and ideas...

I've been surfin around the internet for a few years creating a long mental list of the things I would love to try and do if I but had the space and time... So...

I have a whole house to live in, a personal room to fill up with crafty wonderfullness, a kitchen to prepare yumminess in... and my roomies two kids to be creative with....

Time to harness my Inner Martha and get serious about being a "housewife" and soon to be famous Blogger. :D

I shall leave you now... as I have dinner to put away and dishes to do (pot roast was indeed nomful)